
Benjamin A. Kahn, Co-Author, "Commencement of State Claims in Federal Court:  An Eighth Circuit Analysis," 25(2) William Mitchell Law Review 1 (Spring 1999)

Benjamin A. Kahn, Author, "The Legal Framework Surrounding Maori Claims to Water Resources in New Zealand:  In Contrast to the American Indian Experience," 35(1) Stanford Journal of International Law 49 (Winter 1999)

Benjamin A. Kahn, Co-Author, "Unauthorized Settlement Agreements in a Reservation of Rights Context," 34 ABA Tort & Insurance Law Journal 799 (1999)

Benjamin A. Kahn, Co-Author, "Utilizing Statutory Defenses for Potential Product Liability Claims," Defense Counsel Journal (April 2009)

Benjamin A. Kahn, Author, "Separate and Unequal:  Environmental Regulatory Management on Indian Reservations,” 35(2) University of California-Davis Environs: Environmental Law Journal 203 (Spring 2012)

Benjamin A. Kahn, Author "A Place Called Home: Native Sovereignty Through Statehood and Political Participation," 53 University of New Mexico Natural Resources Journal (Fall 2012)

Benjamin A. Kahn, Author, "Sword or Submission?  American Indian Natural Resource Claims Settlement Legislation," 37 University of Oklahoma American Indian Law Review 109 (2012-2013) 


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